We are extremely lucky to share our beach at Horsey Gap with a colony of grey seals. You are able to watch the seals all year round, however, during the months of late October to February the seals have their pups, which is a sight to see.
Horsey Gap has a car park with a café during the summer months, it’s about a 3-5 minute drive from the cottage. You are also able to access Horsey Beach via a lovely country bridle path from Sea Haven, which is around a 10 minute walk.
Grey seals are one of the largest mammals and around half the worlds population are found in Britain, which is one of the best places to see the Seal pups.
This stretch of east coast is part of the Norfolk Coast area of outstanding natural beauty and is well known for its scenery and wildlife.
Responsible Seal Watching at Horsey Gap
• Be advised by the seal wardens at Friends of Horsey Seals.
• Whilst Horsey Gap is dog friendly, please keep a safe distance from the seals when they are on shore and keep your dog on a lead during pup season. Please make sure to clean up after your dog, there is a dog waste disposal bin at Horsey Gap car park.
• Leave no litter, these can cause damage to the seals and there pups if ingested or caught.
• Please do not approach the seals as they can bite, males can become very territorial while the females are protective of their young.
Credit to Seal Alliance for the guide below